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Here is the basic information you need to know about youth group.

1. The junior high youth group is called W.O.W or walking on water.  They meet sundays from 5:30-7:00PM.

2. The high school youth group is called “Reigning Fire” and they meet at the same time as the Junior High Youth group.  Their job is to help run the junior high youth group program in various ways.  No job is unimportant in this area.

3. Never let money be a problem for you for ANY youth group event.  If money is a problem, come and talk to Nate about it.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!  Do NOT let money be a problem for ANY youth group event no matter how small.

4. Our goal as a youth group is to make warriors for Christ and disciples for Jesus.  Come Holy Spirit!

One response

  1. Youth Group Rules;)

    February 11, 2011 at 10:21 pm

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